To use this template, I recommend keeping this page as a template page that you can come back to whenever you need and duplicating the entire page each month. There is already a template generated below, but you can also press the plus button to generate your own template as many times as you need, or to make changes to the template for your own use.

Month and Year

Brain Dump

Use this space to write all the things you’d love to do in the coming month (don’t forget to copy over any abandoned ideas from your previous months)

Remember: You can’t do everything but you can do something.

Big Goal

From your brain dump above, choose one big goal to focus on this month. This is the thing that will take most of your focus this month. It could be writing the first draft of a new book, completing edits, learning Facebook Ads, or any other thing that makes sense. Be realistic. You can’t do everything on your list in just one month. Some things may not be important at all, others you will want to complete in future months. If you already have a lot happening in your personal life, you may want to consider a non-publishing related goal here. For example, if you’re moving house, your focus may be there instead. That’s okay.

Write this month’s big goal here (add all the steps you’ll need to complete below)

Little Goals

From your brain dump above choose two little goals to achieve this month. These will likely have either a small number of steps and be simple to complete. You may choose something like updating your website, finding a cover designer or editor, attending a networking event, or launching a book. Use the space below to write down the two goals from your brain dump that you’ll be completing this month. Again, remember to include personal things that may take up your time. Are you going on vacation? Have a kid’s play you need to make a costume for? Planning a bachelorette/bachelor’s for a friend?

What’s left on your brain dump list above? Is there anything you can cross out entirely? Anything you could delegate to someone else? Anything urgent that doesn’t fit into your big goal or little goals? Categorise them below. For tasks you plan to delegate, add a note to remind you to delegate them and who to delegate to.

Use the table below to add all your tasks from Big Goal 1, Little Goal 1, Little Goal 2, Urgent, and Delegate. If you have any tasks you complete every month, add those in below too (things such as sending a newsletter, or a regular Facebook post). You can add tags to let you know where they belong and due dates to remind you when they need to be done by. The status column allows you to mark them as complete, in progress, or not started. Add your own columns or properties as needed.

This Month’s Tasks (use the tabs above to see different views)